Tag Archives: 6v

New fuel pump for Athena

17 Sep

So I decided to buy a fuel pump for Athena as the mechanical one doesn’t actually do its primary job of pumping fuel. I bought the only 6v pump that Napa Auto Parts had, which was a Carter. I’ve been so busy with school that I haven’t had much of a chance in the past 3 weeks to do much of anything to anything except routine maintenance (very important!) So I decided that any progress is still progress. Even putting one spark plug wire on per day is still more than not doing anything, yet people seem to think that progress is only made when you do something large to the project. I have yet to actually install the pump in the car, but there will be a day for that, and then connecting the power to the pump, or the pump to power. 

I thought strongly about having Athena running by International Drive Your Studebaker Day, but it just wasn’t possible with the time I was devoting to studying. I also looked on the Studebaker Driver’s Club forum and didn’t see a whole lot of talk about IDYSD (which honestly was a little disappointing), so I thought “eh, if it’s not such a big deal, I’m not going to kill myself trying to get Athena working by the 14th.” I would rather do things right than do things in haste and have something go wrong. I also have a daily driver that I have to keep working well for when the snow arrives and Athena won’t be the best choice to drive. Especially not in the parking garage for light rail where it seems it turns from a parking garage to an inclosed drifting course for students and people whom should’ve left for the train a little earlier. One of the nicer things I think about is how Athena is built so tough, out of really thick body panels. I almost fantasise about the day where someone opens their car door into her’s and ends up doing monumentally more damage to their new car than Athena’s. Of course in reality I probably wouldn’t be too happy about that.
